Friday Feature: Jenny K

Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Jenny and I am an intern architect.

What made you decide to go into your field?
A fascination with maps and plans, and of course – lego! I also thought it would be an interesting job.

What did your family think of your chosen field?
They were delighted – apart from the cost of me having to go away for university, when the local university was literally a 10min walk from our house. (It didn’t offer architecture as a course)

Who is the teacher who had the most influence on you and why?
Hugh Campbell my 2nd year History & Theory lecturer and Studio Head. For his enthusiasm but also for showing that architecture is everywhere and affects so many aspects of life – it’s not just about 4 walls.

What was the biggest hurdle you faced along your educational path? (academic, financial, motivational, family or peer pressure, outside distraction, etc.)
Trying to overcome nervousness in project critiques and believing in my work, so I think I was probably my own biggest hurdle.

What inspires you?

What schooling is required for success in your career?
Bachelors Degree in Architecture, (or a Masters is more common in this part of the world).

What kind of people are the most successful in your field? Are there any specific attributes?
All types of people can be successful in architecture. Different aspects of the job play to different strengths – hence working in teams tends to work out quite well! Some useful attributes include creativity, practicality, ability to compromise, good communication skills and a logical mindset.

What is the best advice you were ever given?
‘Hold the head’, by my Dad. It is his stock advice in all of life’s problems, big or small. I think it’s good advice!

Is your field growing? (ie. is there room for new entries and is there career growth?)
Not at home (Ireland) right now unfortunately, but I don’t think things are too bad here in Vancouver.

What advice would you give someone considering a career like yours?
The college stuff isn’t easy, but the job can be great if you like learning new things, continuously being challenged and variety.