Janine Benyus using Biomimicry to Design Cities (Treehugger)
Janine Benyus helps design cities the biomimetic way
Apartment Therapy's 'Small Cool Kitchens' contest yields interesting observations (Apartment Therapy)
Treehugger -- lessons from apartment therapy kitchen competition
The Way We Design Now (NYTimes)
Allison Arieff - Design now exists less to shape objects than to produce solutions.
Denver Urban Farms (Grist)
Denver busts urban farming’s yuppie stereotype
Good neighborhoods have lots of intersections (Grist)
It's a little counterintuitive, but it turns out that having lots of intersections is really important for neighborhood walkability and transit use
A Growing Concern (Earth Island)
Can urban farms translate popularity into profitability?
The variety of American street grids (Discovering Urbanism)
Seattle’s waterfront streetcar – not coming back? (Human Transit)
Ultimately, if Seattle loves the Waterfront Streetcar enough to pay for it, or get its tourists to pay for it, then by all means Seattle should have it. My job as a transit planner, though, requires me to ask, now and then, if the proposed service is going to be useful as transit. Will this thing actually be useful to people who just want to get to where they're going?
Blame it on the Train (NY Post)
Late for work? NYC offers excuses via email