Monday News Roundup

Every Monday, we post links to articles and blogs that you may have missed from last week. Enjoy!
10 Weirdest Urban Ecosystems On Earth (io9)
Cities are havens for weirdness. From communities built around garbage to dogs that ride the subway, urban environments have fostered all manner of weird patterns. Here are the 10 freakiest urban ecosystems on the planet.

Planning a Post-Carbon World (
Interesting article on sustainability planning for North Vancouver by Patrick Condon

It Isn’t Easy Building Green (NYTimes)
Michelle Kaufmann on the rise and fall of her green pre-fab housing business - and the future of environmentally responsible housing.

Saving shrinking cities in Germany (GOOD)
Parts of former East Germany have been shrinking, Detroit-style, for many years now. And consequently, Germany has a jump on the States in figuring out how to adjust when a city naturally needs to downsize.

Vancouver's 1975 Transit Plan (Regarding Place)
In 1975, the Bureau of Transit Services prepared a transit service plan for downtown Vancouver. Now that 35 years have passed, it’s time to look at what actually got built.

Tri-Met in motion (The Overhead Wire)
This is a really cool simulation of bus and train movements in Portland from the Walk Score Page

Light Form: Gorgeous Wood Wall Panels Flip Up to Reveal Light(Inhabitat)

The Perfect Neighborhood  (GOOD)
What makes a model neighborhood? GOOD Magazine devotes an issue to the topic, beginning with a list of traits that make a neighborhood great.

Cool Website: Sustainable Cities 
"Provides knowledge on sustainable urban planning and best practice cases from cities all over the world.