Monday News Roundup

#1 Tweet from last week: Granville Street during the Olympics vs. Granville street today

PREFAB FRIDAY: Beautiful Green Roofed Affordable Housing In the UK (Inhabitat)
“Affordable housing meets stylish design, renewable energy, green roofs, energy efficiency and prefabricated construction in this fantastic housing project in the London Borough of Hillingdon.”

Biking in Portland to become as mundane as housework (Momentum)

Lost in Penn Station: Wayfinding in huge transit hubs (Slate)
Why are the signs at the nation's busiest train hub so confusing?

Pedestrian Survival Techniques (Discovering Urbanism)
Interesting post about trying to be a pedestrian in the middle of a city.

Samuel Cochran of SMIT (Design Glut)
SMIT’s products are beautiful, sophisticated panels for harnessing renewable energy. Their work is already in MoMA’s permanent collection.

The Future of Cities in the Internet Era (Next American City)
Ever since humans began to organize themselves in cities, people have been wondering what the cities of the future would look like. Many urban advocates and policy makers are now recognizing the extraordinary potential to use these mobile phones, personal computers + the internet to engage citizens and ultimately improve the way cities work.

Practicing cautionary placemaking: urbanism and the Venetian Ghetto (my urbanist)
Provocative post placing new urbanism and density in historic context. Where does this new one - of transit oriented communities' fit?

San Francisco Solar Map
A map of solar activity throughout San Francisco

Entire cities recreated from Flickr photos (New Scientist)
3D computer models of beautiful cities produced in a day using crowd-sourced snaps

The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Pre-production (Quiet Babylon)
Cameron Moll has created a poster that depicts the Coliseum using type. The Colosseo is a gloriously hybrid entity, digitally produced but mechanically reproduced. The prints are these beautiful objects, but the Colosseo is also data.

A local lesson in transit orientation (@Kaid_at_NRDC)
"Several weeks ago, I ran a post making the case that transit-oriented development requires more than just transit and development. As the phrase implies, it also requires orientation: the development must relate to and be convenient to the transit. There is also a body of practice and research on the closely linked subject of walkable neighborhoods, which require more than just sidewalks and places you might want to go within theoretical walking distance."